Respect your maids

Aug 22, 2009

EDITOR—With the introduction of universal primary and secondary education in Uganda, finding a house attendant (housemaid) has become very difficult. If you happen to get one, you should treat her well.

EDITOR—With the introduction of universal primary and secondary education in Uganda, finding a house attendant (housemaid) has become very difficult. If you happen to get one, you should treat her well.

She should be treated as a family member and not as a worker. Never discriminate against her. You should allow her to eat with the family at the same dining table. You should listen to her.

She should be loved and corrected when she makes a mistake and you should also appreciate her work. In this era where both parents go to work, she is the one who entirely keeps the home and takes care of everything, including children. Since they are entrusted with children, maids are very important people.

Bowers Turyazayo

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