How to nurse a broken heart

Oct 22, 2009

BREAKING up a relationship is extremely hard on both the person who is initiating it and the other on the receiving end. The jilted persons usually carry a lot of emotional baggage, while those who initiate the break-up may end up feeling guilty about it.

BREAKING up a relationship is extremely hard on both the person who is initiating it and the other on the receiving end. The jilted persons usually carry a lot of emotional baggage, while those who initiate the break-up may end up feeling guilty about it. Below are tips on how to cope:

Accept the situation
Once the break up happens, put it behind you. The most important thing is to accept it. Do not cling onto the hope that a miracle would happen and things would go back to normal.

Grieve for your loss
Allow yourself to grieve once you have accepted the loss. Cry if you feel sad, talk with friends and relatives about your feelings. Grieving is an emotional indication to you that it is over.

Respect yourself
Never blame yourself for a beak-up. Be kind to yourself and your feelings. There is life after a break up.

Spoil yourself
Wash away your hurt by indulging yourself. You need to replace the negative feelings created in your heart with positive feelings. Centre all your attention on your pleasure for a while.

Involve your family
You will be surprised how wonderful the love of your family feels after or during a break-up. You will realise how much love you are taking for granted while you are crying for the one love that is no more.

Allow yourself to heal
Do not throw yourself into new relationships immediately. Look for new relationships only when you can look back on the broken one without pain.

Forget the revenge mode
Falling in and falling out of love happens. It is sad - but it happens. Accept this as a fact and do not seek revenge. Respect this choice and forget revenge.

Time is the best healer
Understand that it takes time for you to stop feeling the hurt in your heart. Give yourself time. Do not hurry the process.

Compiled by Chris Kiwawulo

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