Eating Habits- Over-indulgence will raise the risk of food poisoning, cardiac arrests

Dec 27, 2009

DORA Sabano realised she was allergic to certain foods and spices when she had a buffet during a Christmas party. She was bed-ridden for three days, down with fever, recovering from food reactions which left her entire body swollen.

By Gilbert Kidimu

DORA Sabano realised she was allergic to certain foods and spices when she had a buffet during a Christmas party. She was bed-ridden for three days, down with fever, recovering from food reactions which left her entire body swollen.

During the festive season, we try out unfamiliar foods, especially continental dishes, to which we may be allergic. People are tempted to consume wide combinations of food which as Dr. Ssali argues, will disorganise one’s digestive system.

“This is because of the different enzymes working on different foods,” he says.

Children also consume dangerous foods like ice-cream, chips and burgers risking their health. Burgers pizza, pork and French fries, are highly consumed since most people are in a party mood.

Most people go out, drinking the pubs dry and treating themselves to daily buffets.

Food consumption seems to skyrocket to an unusual margin. However, how can we have a blast during this season without ending up on hospital beds?
Research reveals that during the festive season more heart attacks and related complications are registered all over the world because of people’s uncontrollable eating habits.

Dr. Ssepuya of Paragon Hospital reveals that even if too much junk food is consumed in just this season, the consumer is liable to suffering cardiac arrest and other related diseases.

Junk is a term used to describe foods containing little or no nutritional value and could have adverse effects on the consumer.

This especially refers to food prepared outside homes, like on the street and in restaurants. He adds that junk is often eaten in excitement which is common in the festive season.

“Whenever one consumes junk food, they will feel hungry within a short while hence consume more quantities than is necessary,” says Lydia Akiteng, a nutritionist.

She says such foods lead to obesity and indigestion complications.
She says since most foods are not prepared at home, the risk of food poisoning is elevated because most of these places only care about making profits and not necessarily the people’s wellbeing.

According to Dr. Ssepuya, food poisoning is common in vegetables and meat burgers.

“These eating habits deposit bad cholesterol in your veins, especially muscles of the heart resulting in obesity, a fatty liver and heart disease,” he says. He adds that obesity is common among people who eat out of home.

Most junk foods lack fiber and roughage thus failing to assist in digestion, leading to constipation. Foods prepared in classy restaurants are over spiced, hence resulting in ulcers.

But if you create a middle ground where you eat sugars or oily foods for say lunch and have vegetables and fruits for supper, you will enjoy the festive season without regrets ahead.

Dr. Ssali advises that nutritious foods should over-ride junk in your diet because unlike the latter, they have nutritional values.

You are bound to become weak and fail to handle your all-night-long fun. And if you are planning on an overnight prayer on the 31st or clubbing the year away, a lot of junk food will not give you a chance because it does not create energy for you to handle hectic activities.

People who are weighty should take more precautions because their cholesterol is already high and possibly sugar levels too. They should care to watch how much of the festive food they eat lest they face the consequences.

After a heavy meal, it is best to have a desert to aid in digestion. A banana and enough water will help you in that regard.

You could have a heavy breakfast, lunch and supper and still turn out anemic. This means lack of vital nutrients like iron.

This, Dr. Ssepuya says, is caused by eating more foods with low nutrition than nutritious foods.

Whereas a little wine is good for your health, too much alcohol is associated with over speeding and road accidents, domestic violence and family discord. Remember, this season is family time.

You do not want your wife having her Christmas at her parents’ while you end up at your parents’ house too. Drink responsibly.

Most people who eat junk are never physically active, sitting in their offices and driving home to seat and watch TV. Fats thus accumulate in the body because they are manufactured but never burned.

Dr. Ssepuya advises that people should exercise to burn down fats and live a healthier, stronger and happier life. “Enjoy the company of the ones you love more than the food you eat,” he advises.

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