Not wet enough

Feb 06, 2009

<B>Comfort zone</B><br><br>Dear Dr,<br><br>My girl friend lacks vaginal fluid. She used to be fine, then she had an abortion last year and got pregnant two months after and we have a healthy baby, but the problem persists. Any solutions?

Comfort zone

Dear Dr,

My girl friend lacks vaginal fluid. She used to be fine, then she had an abortion last year and got pregnant two months after and we have a healthy baby, but the problem persists. Any solutions?

Dear Richard,
By vaginal fluid I believe you mean the fluids for lubrication that a woman has during sex. It is produced during foreplay (‘romance’ before penetration) when the woman is excited.

Different women produce different amounts. Some produce very little, others moderate amounts, a few produce lots of fluids. This is normal and natural.

In certain conditions, this fluid decreases. This may occur in pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, and with age.

Diseases like diabetes, vagina infections, some drugs (including certain contraceptive pills), may all cause it.

Your lady was pregnant, aborted, then got pregnant and is presumably breastfeeding now. She may also be using pills which decrease vaginal lubrication. All these may be the reason why she does not get wet as usual. To increase the fluids, you can increase the amount and length of foreplay. You can use vaginal lubricants like KY® Gel during sex. A doctor may prescribe other creams to help the problem.
Let her see a doctor for advice to solve this problem.
Dr. Paul Semugoma

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