Cut power bill with gas

Sep 06, 2007

WITH increasing electricity tariffs, you may find it difficult to continue using your electric cooker for fear of accumulating electricity bills. Why don’t you try out gas, a multi-purpose source of energy? You can use gas for cooking and lighting.<br>

By Agnes Kyotalengerire

WITH increasing electricity tariffs, you may find it difficult to continue using your electric cooker for fear of accumulating electricity bills. Why don’t you try out gas, a multi-purpose source of energy? You can use gas for cooking and lighting.

Charles Odong, a station manager at Shell Lugogo, says: “A gas cooker comes with accessories like a gas cylinder, gas regulator and a horse pipe.
Gas cylinders on the market range from 6kg to 45kg. The 6kg cylinders cost sh54,500, while those of 45kg cost sh307,000.

However, Odong says check the cylinder to ensure it is sealed before buying.
The seal shows that the gas has not been tampered with.

A regulator is an important accessory that helps to control the loss of gas. It is placed between the cylinder and the cooker. Regulators are available at fuel stations at sh25,000.

A horse pipe transfers gas from the cylinder to the cooker. A metre of a horse pipe costs sh10,000.
The cookers are available at Game Stores at Lugogo, Saachi World on Luwum Street and most supermarkets around town.

Prices for single burners range from sh40,000 to sh55,000, while the double burners range from sh60,000 to sh80,000.

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