Your questions from Monkey Accepts a Challenge

Sep 14, 2007

1. What destroyed the trees on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits?<br><br>2. How wide was the waterfall that the monkeys found?

1. What destroyed the trees on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits?

2. How wide was the waterfall that the monkeys found?

3. Why did the monkeys think it would be a good idea to follow the stream up the mountain?

4. Why were the monkeys afraid to go to the other side of the waterfall?

5. Who dared to go through the waterfall?

6. What great physical feat sould Stone Monkey do?

7. Who had authority in the monkey clan?

Let’s Discuss

8. How did the other monkeys respond to Stone Monkey’s claim that he would go through the waterfall?

9. Why do you think Stone Monkey wanted to be king of the monkey clan?

10. What did Stone Monkey mean when he said he was born of Heaven and Earth?

11. Make a prediction:
What do you think is on the other side of the waterfall?

Find a newspaper story about someone who has taken on a big challenge. Compare the individual with Stone Monkey. What qualities do they have in common? How are they different?

arrongance (noun)
means feeling that you are better than other people

bend in the stream (noun)
means a curve

carefree life (adjective)
means without any worries or problems

casting down (verb)
means throwing down

clan (noun)
means a group united by a common interest or characteristics; sometimes used to refer to extended families

sitting forlornly (adverb)
means in a sad, lonely way

jeered (verb)
means made fun of, mocked

steamy morning (adjective)
means hot and humid

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