Federation for EA, not policy, must come first

Oct 02, 2007

<b>Michael Kalulya</b><br><br>I refer to the article by Okodan Akwap, “Public Policy Critical in move to Federation” published in The New Vision of September 24, 2007. Fast tracking towards political federation of the East African countries is not a game plan of the Kampala government. It is a

Michael Kalulya

I refer to the article by Okodan Akwap, “Public Policy Critical in move to Federation” published in The New Vision of September 24, 2007. Fast tracking towards political federation of the East African countries is not a game plan of the Kampala government. It is an argument on the best course of action in reorganising the region to maximise its abundant resources in pursuit for self sustenance and the move towards a modern society.

Hypothetically, it is wise to consider full economic integration before political federation. However, the times have changed and we are now living in a more challenging and complex world whose problems can easily be solved by political solutions.

Once East Africa as a country has emerged; all citizens will share the abundant resources anywhere in their big country. The issue of economic disparity among member states is irrelevant because developmental initiatives will be for all East Africans.

For resources to be fully exploited, effective institutions to be established, and for a mode of education for all East Africans to be installed to the benefit of all East Africans, a political solution or philosophy that cuts across the entire big country must be conceived.

A political philosophy agreeable to all stakeholders needs to be established. Once this is done, then the issue of resource management and a vibrant public policy will prevail. It is unwise to suggest that a public policy for East Africans without a political philosophy in place will solve the problems of the people.

Fellow East Africans, we need political unification to facilitate all the other institutions for the benefit of all citizens in East Africa. These institutions cannot function without political leadership at the top to create an enabling environment.

The current members have practically different political systems which makes it even more important to a new political union that is acceptable to all the five. Thankfully, all the five presidents of the member states have sanctioned a united East Africa and are willing to disregard the colonialists’ boarders of the 19th century.

For God and my country.

The writer is a PhD student of Public Policy and Political Economy – University of Texas at Dallas, USA

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