Push that bed off the wall to the centre

Oct 05, 2007

A bed is where most people spend most of their time in a home and as such, it should be comfortable. Whereas in the past, the norm was to push the bed to the wall, today beds are placed in the centre of the bedroom.

By Harriet Birungi

A bed is where most people spend most of their time in a home and as such, it should be comfortable. Whereas in the past, the norm was to push the bed to the wall, today beds are placed in the centre of the bedroom.

A. M. Bashir, the showroom manager at Hwan Sung, says the trend is another way of creating more space in the room. When the bed is in the centre, it leaves a lot of space for other things.

“For instance, a console table, which has a chest of drawers, can be put on one side. And since we are moving away from having drawers attached to the bed frame, placing the bed in the centre will create room for the console and drawers,” said Bashir.

He adds that the style eases bed-making. Since one can get to all corners of the bed, a neat bed keeps the room attractive and inviting for one to sleep in, said Bashir.

“Placing the bed in the middle of the room is a means to a clean room. Because the bed will not be against the wall, one can get to all corners of the room when cleaning, which would be difficult if the be touched the wall,” he explains.

However, he says this style is only appropriate for a large room and for a bed with a decorative bed-head.

“Having the bed in the middle of a large room allows movement, otherwise if done in a small room, it will only cause discomfort,” added Bashir.

S. Ambarish, the manager of Beautiful Living, says putting the bed in the centre of the room is a form of interior décor, which not only allows easy cleaning, but also proper lighting. It also enables good aeration of the beddings.

“Having the bed in the centre makes bedroom maintenance easy and it is the in-vogue décor for the bedroom,” Ambarish said.

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