The politics of money in love

Oct 10, 2007

FIRST of all, I know some women who just love without glancing at the guy’s pocket size. Others are even willing to provide if only they can get and retain a man’s attention. But it seems I have been on the ideal side of life often.

FIRST of all, I know some women who just love without glancing at the guy’s pocket size. Others are even willing to provide if only they can get and retain a man’s attention. But it seems I have been on the ideal side of life often.

From last weekend’s survey, women gave us a piece of women’s minds: It is not anybody who can make a good husband; he must be loaded enough. A good husband would rather have more of money and less love for all the women care. Very few women voted for a guy with lots of love, but little money. Hmmm! Surprising how people want to look like markets today. A well looked-after market will not fuss a lot if Bassajabalaba is buying another market.

It is a female fantasy to have a husband who gives anything whenever (or even before) it is needed. According to the natural theory for all animals including man, females prefer males that can provide and protect. Their instinct is to warm up when a man who looks able shows up. That is how we, fat men, have had carpet welcomes for ages.

In this part of the world, fat implies money. Slender guys usually have to be more innovative to make sense to women. Men always knew about female preference for loaded guys. We work hard for many reasons, but the real motive is to impress women, to be the alpha male that many women would wish to possess.

It is usually very difficult to be Michael Ezra. But now that we know what women really want, a little adjustment can do to make you look like — not necessarily, be ready for CHOGM.

Borrow a leaf from the Government. Preparation for CHOGM is not evenly spread through out the country because of resources. So, paint only the areas the queen will pass through and keep them a no fly zone for loadshedding. She will imagine that the rest of the country is similar, giving you time enough to revamp your fortunes.

And, guys, never act needy before a woman you want. Talk about big plans and even bigger hope. Look at the pastors. They preach material rewards due in the very near future and light up the congregation’s hope for God’s answer ‘by the end of this very month’. The faithful feel compelled to sow (kusiga) in order to harvest when the Promised Land comes. By the time the hope is disappointed, you will be preaching about God’s timing being different from man’s timing.

Confidence and independence are very sexy traits in a man — insecurity and dependence are not. Women look for a strong partner they can lean on. So if you are starting to lean on her because your money is not enough, you will lose out.

As for you ladies, do not lower your guard thinking men now know you are after money. We still fear women who come labelled as gold hunters. We are scared of that proboscis hiding beneath the kissing lips. We want to assume that the smile is not because we funded the Independence Day outing at Serena.

Keep us in our fantasy; it is a bit comfortable there.

Do not let him suspect that his qualification to host your CHOGM was his pocket. Let him imagine that there are more qualifying bids (financial) but for you, it has nothing to do with cash. And if the guy takes you seriously and gets reluctant to touch his pockets, bait him with a present. A stylish pen or cufflinks will open his flood gates of electronics.

Take him out to a pork joint; he will revenge with Emin Pasha. Buy him a perfume; he will restock your dressing table. He will give without feeling detoothed. Only your balance sheet will know the truth.

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