Try dried biringanya in odi

Oct 12, 2007

AT the moment, markets are flooded with eggplant, commonly known as biringanya. One can purchase biringanya for as little as sh200 from most markets.<br>Idi Kirya, a vender dealing in vegetables in Nakawa Market, says while buying biringanya, one should consider the following:

By Agnes Kyotalengerire

AT the moment, markets are flooded with eggplant, commonly known as biringanya. One can purchase biringanya for as little as sh200 from most markets.
Idi Kirya, a vender dealing in vegetables in Nakawa Market, says while buying biringanya, one should consider the following:

Buying tips
-Choose those that feel firm and heavy.
-The colour, whether dark purple or green, should be bright.

-Buy those with stems or caps at the end. The stems/caps help to keep them fresh.
-To check ripeness, gently press; if it springs back, then it’s ready.

Preparation tips
Kirya adds that although biringanya looks hard, it is perishable and care should be taken while storing it.

-Avoid exposing it to heat or the sun.
-Before storing, do not peel or cut it.
-When storing do not remove the stems/caps.

-Store it in a cool place e.g. on the floor or in the refrigerator.
Jolly Gonahasa, the director Jovay Catering School Wandegeya, says biringanya provides dietary fibre, potassium, vitamin B1 and B6.

When chopped up and teamed with other vegetables, biringanya makes a good dish.

Gonahasa explains that it is also used to spice soup. All one has to do is to chop it into small pieces so it dissolves and thickens the soup.

You can also make dried biringanya, a delicacy commonly enjoyed by the Acholi and Langi.

Florence Alyang, who works with Healthy Organic Nutritious Foods in Nakawa, says dried biringanya is tasty when mixed in Odi (a mixture of simsim and groundnut paste).

-Remove the stems/caps.
-Wash it thoroughly.
-Chop into small pieces and spread out in the sun to dry.

-Store in a clean dry container.
-Before cooking, wash the dried biringanya, put in a saucepan, add water and boil.

-Mix Odi or plain groundnut paste in cold water, add to boiling biringanya.
-Boil until the soup thickens slightly.

-Add salt to taste and serve with any food of your choice.

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