It’s okay to be a second wife

Oct 19, 2007

LADY Aisha Kyomuhangi is a singer and actress with Bakayimbira Dramactors. She is married to fellow artiste Charles Ssenkubuge a.k.a Siasa. Pidson Kareire had a chat with her<br><br><b>What do you love about yourself?</b><br>My eyes. People say they are sexy. And when I look in the mirror I also

LADY Aisha Kyomuhangi is a singer and actress with Bakayimbira Dramactors. She is married to fellow artiste Charles Ssenkubuge a.k.a Siasa. Pidson Kareire had a chat with her

What do you love about yourself?
My eyes. People say they are sexy. And when I look in the mirror I also like what I see.

Do you know that your dancing is provocative?
Yeah! I know. I give people what they want. It is all about entertainment. Otherwise I am a private person. The entertainment industry is so demanding, you do things out of obligation.

Doesn’t it scratch your husband’s heart?
It does but sometimes he likes it. You know men enjoy competition and being ahead. If nobody gets attracted to his wife, a man may begin doubting his wife’s worth. I think if men are ogling and drooling, he thumps his chest!

What memory does the play Nseyeya n’omukwano have?
It evokes bad memories. I don’t like acting with him. It makes me uncomfortable. To the public who know us, there is no suspense

I thought that it was the play that brought you closer
No. We met before I joined Bakayimbira Dramactors. Actually I was at school, singing in Supercharger Nsubuga’s Embassols Band. I then joined Pride Images, an associate of Bakayimbira. He later advised me to fully join Bakayimbira, which I did.

How do you feel about being a second wife?
Don’t you feel guilty?
Guilty? About what? Is it a crime? The only difference is the order or the title.

Any advantages as a second wife?
Yes. When a man is away, you console yourself that he is with the first wife. It reduces stress or thoughts.

What inspires you to sing about love?
Love is the core of everything; trouble and security. In fact all my songs are about love. Love calms bad things. I love to be loved. Besides, people will only listen to war songs when they are drunk or disgruntled.

Do fans love you or your songs?
Women listen to message while men associate the beat with the singer. And fans can be crazy. Be it female or male, they will always write their phone numbers on the money they throw at you. Most of them first like the music and later stretch their lust.

What song does Siasa like most?
My latest track, Ma Cherie.

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