Stop plunder of public funds

Oct 21, 2007

THE Auditor General’s report has revealed that about sh1.2 trillion lent out by the Government is considered irrecoverable. The amount is pending parliamentary approval to be written off as a bad debt.<br>

THE Auditor General’s report has revealed that about sh1.2 trillion lent out by the Government is considered irrecoverable. The amount is pending parliamentary approval to be written off as a bad debt.

Another sh221b in Government loans to private companies has not been recovered. This is an extra burden on the tax payers as the money was obtained from the European Investment Bank under Uganda Apex Private Enterprises Loans (Apex) and attracts interest.

Besides the loans, the report also reveals glaring cases where public funds have been embezzled, diverted or mismanaged.

Why should Resident District Commissioners or Foreign Affairs ministry officials who ceased holding posts in 2001 continue drawing salaries, gratuity and related benefits? Most of the abuse of public funds occurs in government procurements. In some cases government departments do not obtain the required authority to expend the money.

Even Parliament which should act as a watchdog has not been spared. The MPs are relaxed to provide accountability on the Constituency Development Fund because there is no law to regulate it.

Police acquired 1970 anti-riot vehicles (Nyalas) at an inflated cost of sh1.9b. Who was responsible for this? Has he or she been held accountable?

How can sh6.3b disappear from various ministries and departments without any trace?

Every year the AG produces reports but they gather dust as the recommendations are not implemented.

Ugandans pay a lot in taxes. They therefore expect delivery of quality public services. Unfortunately only half of the budget is spent properly, according to the donors. The other half is mismanaged.

There is need to improve the audit functions and institute control measures in various departments to reduce loss of public funds.

The Government also needs to come up with a policy on loans to private companies. The bailouts by the government have often been abused by the beneficiaries. Fraud in government transactions, doubtful expenditure and diversion of public funds must be stopped.

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