Instruments that define Uganda’s

Nov 22, 2007

MUSIC without a beat is like a song without a melody. In Uganda, <br>traditional music is accompanied by a myriad of music instruments that enhance its appeal.

MUSIC without a beat is like a song without a melody. In Uganda,
traditional music is accompanied by a myriad of music instruments that enhance its appeal. Conan Businge brings you a some of the traditional musical

Amadinda (Xylophone)

There are two main types of the xylophone; the Amadinda and the Akadinda.
The xylophones vary in size and keys.
The Amadinda has larger keys, usually with 15 or more. tuned in an equidistant pentatonic scale. They are played by two or more people.

Two players can produce music faster than 120 beats per minute, with each individual appearing to barely break a sweat.

The Akadinda keys are smaller and may be 20 or less keys. The Amadinda and Akadinda may be played in conjunction with the long drum (Engalabi).

Endingidi (tube fiddle)

This is a one-string instrument popular in Buganda, Busoga, Ankole, Kigezi, West Nile and Acholi regions. Unlike other single-string instruments, the tube fiddle is played using a bow.

Engalabi/long drum

This drum has a head made of reptile skin nailed to a wooden body. In Kiganda culture, the drum plays an important role in traditional ceremonies like during the last funeral rites, when a an heir to the deceased is identified. The drum is played throughout the night, thus the saying Tugenda mungalabi, (last funeral rites).

Engoma (drum)

While larger versions of this drum are traditionally hand-carved from hard wood, some are made with pine wood slats, tied together like barrels. All these drums have heads made from hide held by hardwood pegs hammered into the side of the drum. The bass drum in known as Empuunyi, while the big one is Embuutu.

Ennanga (wooden zither)

African zithers have a boat-shaped sound box with a fairly long wooden neck joined to the resonator. Ancient paintings depict these instruments often in the hands of women. Ennanga is strictly a solo instrument. It has eight strings, which run above a wooden trough. Thee strings run parallel to the resonator, which extends the entire length of the strings.

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