Insure against disasters

Dec 10, 2007

EDITOR—Disasters have no political or tribal boundaries and we are all equally<br>vulnerable to them. Lately, earthquakes, cyclones, floods and diseases have contributed to disasters across Africa and the world in general.

EDITOR—Disasters have no political or tribal boundaries and we are all equally
vulnerable to them. Lately, earthquakes, cyclones, floods and diseases have contributed to disasters across Africa and the world in general.

Few natural disasters today occur without warning, but inadequate structures on the ground often prevent the warnings from reaching the people affected. In handling all these disasters, what is important is to have coherent national strategies.

Man-made disasters like industrial ones and terrorists attacks have enormous social and economic consequences. Improved coordination between various agencies of the government and NGOs’ greater awareness among the civil society with regard to prevention, mitigation and preparedness is one of the important steps in disaster risk reduction.

Insurance against risk is one of the most effective ways of reducing the loss suffered during these disasters.
we can insure some of the areas which are prone to natural disasters.

Henry Mugisha Rodney, Kampala

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