Help, I keep getting candida

May 24, 2009

I understand the source of your anxiety. Candidiasis is caused by candida, a fungus found in the mouth and vagina. Symptoms like the ones you have result from overgrowth of the organism in the vagina.

Ask the Doctor with Dr. Gloria Ndagire

Dear Doctor,
I am a 25-year-old woman. I was recently treated for candida but still have a white milky discharge from my private parts. What could be the problem? Do I have a chance of getting a child? I have been in a relationship for two-and-a half years but have not conceived. Please help me.

Dear Scilla,
I understand the source of your anxiety. Candidiasis is caused by candida, a fungus found in the mouth and vagina. Symptoms like the ones you have result from overgrowth of the organism in the vagina.

About 75% of all women experience at least one episode of candidiasis in their lifetime. Pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives, prolonged antibiotic and steroid use increase the risk of recurrent episodes.

Candida is not known to affect fertility. See a gynaecologist to rule out other possible causes of infertility. Avoid wearing tight clothing and underwear as these help the fungi to thrive.

Avoid washing the inside of the vagina as this alters its normal environment, causing the fungi to overgrow. Your partner also needs to be treated as he may be a source of re-infection.

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