Pastors, stop fighting each other

Jun 04, 2009

EDITOR—I am amazed by the great shame inflicted on the Church of Christ in Uganda by its leaders! The scandals we read about pastors are unbelievable. I appeal to church leaders fighting each other and tarnishing each other’s names to stop it.

EDITOR—I am amazed by the great shame inflicted on the Church of Christ in Uganda by its leaders! The scandals we read about pastors are unbelievable. I appeal to church leaders fighting each other and tarnishing each other’s names to stop it.

It portrays the highest kind of immorality in our society. Sodomy is not new to the world. It existed even before the time of Jesus. However, it shouldn’t be happening in churches and if it does, isn’t there a right forum to address such issues?

What message is being dessiminated to the world? Do the warring pastors think they are really fighting for Christ? Never! Let us mature in the way we handle our differences as born-again believers.

Pastor Samuel Kawalya
Belfast, Northern Ireland

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