Has Afri-talent let Mariam go ?

Jul 03, 2009

Mariam Ndagire may be one of the founding members of Afri-talent. She may also be a director, the group’s playwright and one of its most celebrated actresses, but hard times seem to have caught up with her.

Mariam Ndagire may be one of the founding members of Afri-talent. She may also be a director, the group’s playwright and one of its most celebrated actresses, but hard times seem to have caught up with her.

Word has it that Afri-talent is looking for a replacement for her. Ndagire has recently been scarce in Afri-talent plays. She rarely takes up any big roles as an actress and has not written a play for the group in a long time.

We recently reported on this page that Ndagire is involved in her own film and music projects. But recently she announced that she was quitting music

Fellow directors John Segawa and Abby Mukiibi may now be hard-pressed to find a replacement for the multi-talented Ndagire.

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