Why can’t I enjoy sex?

Jul 19, 2009

THERE are a number of women who are not happy with their sex life, but do not dare seek help probably because the subject is quite embarrassing.

Ask the doctor with Dr. Gloria Ndagire

Dear Doctor,
I am a 28-years-old married female and sexually dysfunctional. I do not enjoy sexTell me what medicine I can use to help me get out of my problem or what doctor to consult.

Dear RN,
THERE are a number of women who are not happy with their sex life, but do not dare seek help probably because the subject is quite embarrassing.

A woman’s sexual interest is influenced by many factors affecting intimacy such as physical well-being, emotions, past experiences and lifestyle.

A history of physical or sexual abuse may also interfere with one’s attitude towards sex. Other factors include a poor body image, fatigue and stress.

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding may also affect one’s interest in sex. Factors such as stress, anxiety and depression may also affect ones interest or ability to enjoy sex.

Focus all your attention on sex. Nurture your relationship and yourselves. Relax, sleep more, go out more and feel good about yourself and your husband.

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