One of my testacles disappeared, the other is bigger than normal

Aug 02, 2009

ASK THE DOCTOR<br><i>WITH DR. GLORIA NDAGIRE</i><br><br>Dear doctor, <br>I am 30 years old. Some years back. I noticed one of my testacles had disappeared and the other much bigger. I do not feel pain and I am sexually active. The only problem is, I c


Dear doctor,
I am 30 years old. Some years back. I noticed one of my testacles had disappeared and the other much bigger. I do not feel pain and I am sexually active. The only problem is, I can neither hold an erection for more than two minutes nor have sex for that time. What is my problem? Where can in go for help?
0- PJ

Dear PJ,

Testacles are sensitive parts of the body which require immediate attention. The main causes of swollen painless testacles are varicoceles and hydroceles. Varicoceles are abnormally large veins filled with blood outside the testacles, while a hydrocele is a sac of fluid around the testicles. Hydroceles are a result of a defect in the wall of the tissue through which the seminal fluid passes. This causes the fluid to leak down the cord and collect around the testacle. One of the testicles may become smaller in size due to the risk of chronic inflammation. These conditions can affect sexual function and fertility. Visit a doctor for proper assessment immediately.

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