How to juggle between breastfeeding and being a mom to your older children

Aug 21, 2009

USUALLY when a baby is born, parents tend to dote on them at the expense of the older siblings. <b>Rehema Aanyu</b> asked mothers how they balance breastfeeding their babies with paying attention to the older children

USUALLY when a baby is born, parents tend to dote on them at the expense of the older siblings. Rehema Aanyu asked mothers how they balance breastfeeding their babies with paying attention to the older children

Sophie Gombya, musician
When breastfeeding, one needs to budget her time. My children have a six-year gap, so I would explain to them when and why I needed to attend to the baby. I used to breastfeed him at hourly intervals and attend to my other children in the time between. I also sought a nanny’s help when I got overwhelmed.

Crystal Newman, mother of two, radio and television presenter
I made the mistake of giving the baby all the attention at the expense of my first-born Karla who became jealous of the little one. I learnt to regulate the time I spend with each child. If I am doing something with Karla and the baby cries, I let her cry a little while I finish with Karla.

Angella Kalule, mother of two,
musician and radio presenter
I made my first-born a part of the breastfeeding experience. I would ask him to sit beside us and see his brother feed. My sons have a four year gap, so the elder one would understand whenever I told him that mummy had to attend to his brother because he had to grow as big as him. Initially, my elder son was jealous, but each time I finished feeding his brother, I would cuddle him to make him feel equally loved.

Barbie Itungo, mother of two, businesswoman
Luckily, my big boy, Kampala, goes to school so I attend to him early in the morning when his little sister is still asleep. I also tell Kampala he is a big boy and the baby needs my attention. I am training him to be patient and to wait for me when I am attending to the baby.

Fatuma Anei, mother of four
I had my first born in 1994 and the second in 1997. I used to breastfeed my babies every one and a half hours. I used the time in between to attend to the other children. Should the baby demand attention, when it was time for the older children, I would hand them over to somebody else. I’m training my children to be patient.

Lillian, mother of three
Before breasfeedting the young one, I would keep the other kids busy with toys and snacks. Only then would I give the baby my undivided attention.

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