I changed courses to keep my love

Sep 18, 2009

Paul and I met in high school. We promised each other love for ever and decided to read hard for law at the university. We dreamed of opening up a family law firm. In this well thought out fantasy, even our kids would be lawyers.

By Lydia Lanyero

Paul and I met in high school. We promised each other love for ever and decided to read hard for law at the university. We dreamed of opening up a family law firm. In this well thought out fantasy, even our kids would be lawyers.

These dreams, however, were shattered when Paul failed to qualify for law. He was given Social Work and Social Administration (SWASA). He wanted to rebound but his parents refused. Paul suffered and so did our relationship.

At first he reassured me every thing would be okay and even said diversity would be good. He, however, could not fool me. He became distant. The nearer we drew to our first day at the university, the worse it became. Paul’s friends teased him about having a more intelligent woman and advised him to let me go. After all, they said, weren’t there lots of fish at the university sea?

Our communication suffered. It was no longer our dreams but my dreams. I started feeling guilty and had to be always on guard lest I brought up the dreaded topic. He even told me he no longer felt good enough for me.

Then a window opened. Students not comfortable with their courses were allowed to change within the first month of reporting. I thought hard and fast but I did not tell Paul. I had to do everything I could to get my old Paul back.

So I applied for SWASA, saying my benefactor had passed away, I only could afford a three year course. I had never seen Paul so furious as I tried to explain my reasons. To my parents, I said I had found Law difficult. May be on my wedding day, I will tell them the truth.

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