I have had a rash in my private parts for three years

Nov 01, 2009

WHAT you have described is likely to be a condition known as folliculitis. The term simply refers to inflammation and bacterial infection of the hair follicles. <br>This commonly occurs after damage to the hair follicles for instance during hair removal.

Ask the doctor with Dr. Gloria Ndagire

Dear Doctor,
I am a 25-year-old lady who has had a a rash in my private parts for three years now. My skin is so sensitive and I sometimes get them elsewhere. They start as swellings that form pus and later heal with a scar. They come one or two at a time. I went for an HIV test and it was negative. I have protected sex occasionally when my boyfriend is in town. What could be the problem? Please advise.

Dear Delilah,
WHAT you have described is likely to be a condition known as folliculitis. The term simply refers to inflammation and bacterial infection of the hair follicles.
This commonly occurs after damage to the hair follicles for instance during hair removal.

Sometimes people do not even notice the break-in the skin barrier. Rubbing from the clothes may also result into inflammation of the follicles. Bacteria that commonly occur on the skin surface penetrate the irritated follicles and cause infection. This results into pus formation .

Occasionally this may develop into an abscess. It is not a very rare condition though recurrences may be associated with a relatively poor immune system. This can be as a result of a poor diet, stress levels or chronic conditions such as diabetes and HIV.

Poor hygiene is also an important risk factor. It may be better to use shaving creams to prevent cuts in the skin. You need to pay more attention to your diet so as to boost your immune system.

Viral herpes is also a common cause of genital pastules. This can be treated with antiviral drugs.

Write to Ask The Doctor, P. O Box 9815, Kampala Or health@newvision.co.ug

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