What is the solution to resistant ringworm infections?

Nov 15, 2009

WHAT is commonly referred to as ring worms is a fungal infection of the skin which is common among young people. <br>It is usually transmitted through sharing items such as clothes, beddings and basins with affected persons.

Ask the Doctor with Dr. Gloria Ndagire

Dear Doctor,
I have a friend who has ring worms. She has tried various medications but the infection persists. Sometimes, the ringworms disappear for a while only to reappear. What should be done to rectify this problem?

Dear PM,
WHAT is commonly referred to as ring worms is a fungal infection of the skin which is common among young people.
It is usually transmitted through sharing items such as clothes, beddings and basins with affected persons.

Infection with these fungi is more common in the back, neck and chest area. Sometimes the infection may spread to the face and scalp.

The infection is treatable but recurrence is common. This is mainly because of the possibility of reinfection from the sufferer’s personal items such as clothes. Recurrence may also result from partial or improper treatment.

A combination of oral and topical antifungal medication is usually used to treat resistant and recurrent cases.

The most commonly used antifungal medication is known as greseofulvin oral tablets, taken once daily for atleast four weeks.

This can be combined with an antifungal cream. Help your friend to get a proper prescription from a health centre.She also needs to pay more attention to her personal hygiene.

This includes bathing and doing her laundry regularly and properly.
All the best.

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