Why does UMEME still estimate bills?

Nov 26, 2009

Editor—UMEME’s response capacity to their customers’ concerns is wanting. I still wonder why UMEME up to now has failed to map out their customers’ locations to make sure personal bills reflect correctly on how much power the customer has consumed

Editor—UMEME’s response capacity to their customers’ concerns is wanting. I still wonder why UMEME up to now has failed to map out their customers’ locations to make sure personal bills reflect correctly on how much power the customer has consumed.

Why do we still receive bills that are just ‘estimated’ and not actual consumption?

Why not take a leaf from the National Water and Sewerage Corporation that delivers bills reflecting the consumer’s actual address? Why should I, on Norfolk Gardens receive a bill that states I am on Devon Avenue? This creates room for suspicion.

Just between July 20 and November 20, UMEME has sent bills amounting to over sh750,000 for domestic consumption!

On Monday morning I received a bill Number 190237558 brought by the meter reader of 419,027, just days after my power was abruptly disconnected without any prior warning, and payment of 192,000 made on November 13!

When I went to the customer relations’ desk after paying for an up-date of my recent payments, I was informed (in Luganda), that the computer was down, and they could not verify my payments.

The lady just walked away. I went away disgusted, only to receive this colossal sum an amount I had never been billed before.

This may be just one of their ways of realising some windfalls from unsuspecting customers.

In my case, it does not help that part of my consumption should reflect a reduced billing since I have solar power for lighting.

Account Number: 20079464

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