Police should have phones all the time

Dec 17, 2009

EDITOR—On Wednesday, Luke Sekamwa wrote a letter entitled, “Sorowen’s directive not rational”. I agree with him. Traffic Police should be equipped with official mobile phones whose numbers should be made known to the public.

EDITOR—On Wednesday, Luke Sekamwa wrote a letter entitled, “Sorowen’s directive not rational”. I agree with him. Traffic Police should be equipped with official mobile phones whose numbers should be made known to the public.

Recently, on my way to Jinja, I had wanted to alert the traffic Police about a speeding Teso Coach Bus which nearly caused a fatal accident while descending a hill at Lugalambo after Mabira forest.

I rang both the usual emergency numbers 999 and 112 using my phone but both numbers could not go through!

I could not chase the bus as this also was suicidal because the bus was making well above 140km/h! If I had known any Police officer’s number in Jinja, there is no doubt, this errant driver would have been arrested. Afande Sorowen should know that the backbone of intelligence gathering is communication.

How do you expect information from the public when there is a visibly missing link between the Police and the public? Please don’t ban the use of mobile phones by the traffic Police but instead encourage them to make their phone lines known to the public.

That way the force’s efficiency will be enhanced. Laws should be aimed at promoting common good otherwise they become useless.

Charles Oola

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