Send healthy children to school

Feb 01, 2008

IT is back to school time; for parents to loathe the endless bouts of flu, a new skin complaint each week, not to mention the bouts of malaria. True, school proximity makes it much easier for children to catch diseases from others.

By Lydia Namubiru

IT is back to school time; for parents to loathe the endless bouts of flu, a new skin complaint each week, not to mention the bouts of malaria. True, school proximity makes it much easier for children to catch diseases from others.

However, you can make sure that your child is not the one passing on these diseases. Take them for a full medical examination before they go back to school. Include the following tests:

Malaria test

A blood slide test is a must, according to Dr. Eriah Francis, a paediatrician with Kitintale Family Clinic. “Malaria is the commonest infection and killer among school-going children in Uganda,” he says. Eriah, however, cautions against giving children anti-malaria drugs as a preventive measure for the disease.

blood count
This test, according to Eriah, checks the quantity and quality of the blood cells, mainly to rule out anaemia, another common condition among children.

Typhoid test
Eriah says testing for typhoid after the holidays is important because, in most cases, children are more exposed to dirty or contaminated food or water that can bring the disease.

Stool analysis
Many of those skin rashes that plague children throughout the term are a result of worms. Stool analysis would reveal any worm or bacterial infections that cause diarrhoea and dysentery. Once discovered, the children should be treated before they go back to school.

Urine analysis
Children sometimes play with their private parts and may infect themselves that way. They can also get infections from bathrooms and urinals. Urine analysis rules out any infections in the urinary tract. Since diabetes is also on the increase, it is important that the childrn are also tested for it.

Chest X-ray
Test for Tuberculosis and pneumonia especially if you have reason to suspect either. Children are playful and can hurt themselves, including causing internal injuries to themselves, which may need to be handled with ugency. But this must be on the recommendation of a medical personnel.

Skin scraping
This is usually necessary if you have noticed a rash or other skin disorder. Skin diseases should be treated so that the child does not spread them to other children once he/she goes to school.

Eye check up
Have the optician check for any sight defects like short or long sightedness, diseases like trachoma as well as bacterial infections.

Ear check up
Any discharge from the ears at anytime certainly warrants a full ear examination from an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist.

Dental check up

Check if there are any cavities that need to be filled or teeth that must be removed. It will save you a lot of trouble if you detect and act on these as early as possible. Once you obseve the above, you are sure you have taken a healthy child back to school.

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