Hang out with the right crowd

Apr 18, 2008

THE common thread throughout history has been that you learn mastery performance from the master. Whatever quality or skill you want to develop, you “get it” by hanging out with people who have it.

THE common thread throughout history has been that you learn mastery performance from the master. Whatever quality or skill you want to develop, you “get it” by hanging out with people who have it.

Building networks is one of the avenues through which you can attain success. We should all strive to meet as many people as possible without tribal, cultural or religious boundaries. The world is getting smaller, so it is very hard to work and live in isolation. The term ‘technical know who’ comes into play whenever there is an opportunity. Use key people to influence and persuade others, make friends and do business.

Always be with the right crowd. Your behaviour and what you achieve is exactly similar to that of the people you spend time with. If they talk business you talk business, if they discuss women, you discuss women, if they talk politics, you talk politics. Do not spend time with people who don’t add value to you. Whenever you travel or attend a function, make sure you meet, develop and maintain new contacts. This will create for you a network of contacts across the world.

Start building your networks today from your family, the people you went to school with, the people you work with and those you meet everywhere you go. It is advisable, however, to maintain those networks by keeping in contact with them. One of the best ways of networking is by joining professional, religious, community and business associations. This not only maintains your circle of networks, but also creates groups under which you are identified.

The writer is a business development consultant and an entrepreneur rehmah@centurymarketing.co.ug

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