Read the signs and adjust, or leave

Apr 18, 2008

IT works the same way. Whether you are dealing with sweet things like love, terrorists like Kony, stubborn fellows like Wenger or misfortunes like Mugabe, you need to know when to give up and change tactics.

IT works the same way. Whether you are dealing with sweet things like love, terrorists like Kony, stubborn fellows like Wenger or misfortunes like Mugabe, you need to know when to give up and change tactics.

I know someone who, as an adolescent, had the patience of a crocodile. This reptile can remain static for hours to seem like a log. All this time, its mouth is open and insects enter and come out to invite other insect colleagues to this warm outing with a tantalising smell. Then when it notices that there are enough taxi operators and drivers inside there, it closes the mouth and starts chewing.

Mr Patience would never accept defeat. If a woman told him; come back by this time next year, he would not forget, and come April 2009, he would be knocking with a promissory note in hand. He would then be told to return in 2011 and he would wait. That guy would pursue a woman beyond her marriage to someone else till … maybe, the grave.

I won’t talk about women who keep their hopes raging for a guy who is not looking their direction and has made it clear that they don’t deserve the trophy.

There must be a limit. You cannot pursue a person for love over four years in vain; you don’t change strategy, you don’t quit, you are there blaming everything for the failures you call mishaps! Such people remind me of Arsenal’s Arsene Wenger. If he was a woman, I would never marry his offspring.

He loves children so much, uses them for adult assignments they have proved unable to accomplish, his projects are dogged with misfortune and usually collapse at the last minute.

Somehow, he is always penalised by traffic policemen and, the very limit, he is as stubborn as he is unfortunate. But he just cannot change strategy; even if his people are starving like Zimbabweans, he will not adjust and, like Mugabe, he will not go.

In love, some people may not tell you ‘NO’. They will say they are still thinking about it, or they are busy with exams or they are still pursuing a career; come next week, next month, next year or next century, it doesn’t need astute analysis to know which banana will yield a good bunch.

Perseverance and patience should have limits when you are courting someone.

If brides, like Kony, just can’t come to the marital bed, let us change the approach and grab him Karimojong style. We can’t keep on wasting time. People need trophies, they need love. Read the signs, adjust the strategy and move on. We only have 50 years to live.

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