Why is the erection weak?

May 02, 2008

<b>Comfort zone</b><br>QUESTION BOX<br><br>Dear Total Man,<br>I am a Mukonjo, 54, used to be a sportsman, have never smoked or drunk alcohol but I feel fatigued and my erection is a tag of war. <br>Even when I get it, I ejaculate too quickly! I tested for diabetes, it was negative and my B/P is

Comfort zone

Dear Total Man,
I am a Mukonjo, 54, used to be a sportsman, have never smoked or drunk alcohol but I feel fatigued and my erection is a tag of war.
Even when I get it, I ejaculate too quickly! I tested for diabetes, it was negative and my B/P is 140/110. What is wrong with me?

Dear BKM,
You seem to have a number of problems which need you to see a doctor.
You have high blood pressure which may be affecting your heart, brain and kidneys, explaining the other symptoms. Please see a doctor for a complete examination so that your problems may be diagnosed and you start treatment.

Dear Total Man,
When I ejaculate I lose my erection. Sometimes my erection is weak and when I put on a condom it goes. What can I do?

Dear GCS,
In the sexual excitation cycle of a man, there is a period after ejaculation when arousal goes down. At that point, most men lose the erection and cannot be excited. This may last for some time. It is normal. Usually, after some time, one is able to get an erection again.
Many things affect your ability to erect including your desire, arousal, the circumstances and reaction to your partner. It may be insufficient stimulation, or fear, stress or psychological pressure.
Losing the erection while putting on the condom (called condom anxiety) is very common especially at the beginning of sexual life and decreases with experience.
Decrease this anxiety by creating calm, relaxed conditions with your partner. If this continues, talk it over with a counsellor or doctor

Write to Editor, Total Man, The New Vision, P.O.Box 9815, Kampala or totalman@newvision.co.ug

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