I get pain in my testes, lower abdomen

May 09, 2008

I get pain in my testes and the lower abdomen after passing stool. I have never been sexually active, so I know it can’t be an STD. I have woken up in pain several times after a wet dream. What could the problem? What is the solution?

Comfort zone
Dear Total Man,

I get pain in my testes and the lower abdomen after passing stool. I have never been sexually active, so I know it can’t be an STD. I have woken up in pain several times after a wet dream. What could the problem? What is the solution? Jerry

Dear Total Man
Whenever I have intimate time with my girlfriend, my testicles ache afterwards even when she hasn’t fondled them! It continues for an hour or so, affecting my movement. Is it normal? Will it affect my sexual activities in future?
Worried John.

Dear Jerry and John

The testes are round balls which hang free in the scrotum. They hang on some cords which include the vessels supplying them with blood. You can feel these cords in the scrotum just above each testis. When you are excited sexually, more blood flows to the testes and scrotum and they hang lower. Usually this does not cause pain.

Sometimes these cords get twisted, when the testes rotate. This may block their blood supply and causes pain in the testis. If the blood supply is blocked completely, one gets a very severe pain and needs immediate operation. This usually happens in the late teen years. It is called testicular torsion.
It sounds like your testis may get twisted when they hang loose (like at toilet), or when you ejaculate.

When you feel this pain, first try to gently roll the cords between a thumb and finger. This may untwist them and remove any block to blood flow.

The pain should decrease almost immediately. Please visit a doctor for examination. The solution to the problem would be an operation to fix the testes so that they do not rotate and twist their cords.

Dr Paul Semugoma

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