Avoid left-overs to get rid of beetles

Jul 25, 2008

THE death watch beetle is a wood-boring beetle that feeds on old hardwood. Adults rarely fly, so infestations are generally restricted to areas where previous infestations have not been completely eradicated or where old, infected timber has been introduced.

THE death watch beetle is a wood-boring beetle that feeds on old hardwood. Adults rarely fly, so infestations are generally restricted to areas where previous infestations have not been completely eradicated or where old, infected timber has been introduced. They prefer hardwood, not the soft woods.

They can live up to 10 years inside timber, emerging as adult mottled grey or brown beetles about 7mm long. They produce a rapid tapping sound by beating their heads against the wood as a mating call.

Control measure
The vacuum cleaner is probably the beetles’ worst enemy. Otherwise, make sure there are no accumulations of food left-overs on your woody materials.

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