That sudden pain in the groin may make you lose your testes

Sep 07, 2008

GUYS, can you imagine having an instant sharp pain in the groins? It is in most cases associated with abdominal pain, fever and inability to pass urine easily. In many men, the pain goes without treatment, but others need medical intervention.

By Robert Zavuga

GUYS, can you imagine having an instant sharp pain in the groins? It is in most cases associated with abdominal pain, fever and inability to pass urine easily. In many men, the pain goes without treatment, but others need medical intervention.

“Most men ignore this pain since it is short-lived and they do not seek medical attention,” says Dr. Haruna Muwonge of Mulago Hospital. He adds that this can cost these men their testes.

These symptoms are of a medical condition known as testicular torsion or twisting of the spermatic cord (the stalk on which the testes hang inside the scrotum, the bag of skin that hangs below the penis).

The spermatic cord contains nerves, the sperm duct and the blood vessels that connect to the testes. It runs from the testis to the abdomen. Therefore, when this cord twists, it cuts off the blood supply to the testes leading to their death.

This condition is common among young boys or teenagers and in sexually active men below 35 years although it can also affect new-born babies. Unless it is relieved within hours, testicular torsion leads to permanent damage of the testes, making the victims infertile.

What is testicular torsion?
According to medical literature, this condition is a result of individuals getting abnormalities during the development of their groins when still in their mothers’ wombs.

People with this abnormality have a long spermatic cord which freely moves giving it a high probability of twisting. It is estimated that about 15% of men suffer from this abnormality.

Testicular torsion can also occur following injury to the testes, after very vigorous exercise or sex. These activities increase the mobility of the testes which makes them turn and twist along the cord.

Most people complain of severe sudden pain in the scrotum (the sac that houses the testes). This pain is often experienced in only one testis and it is piercing.

The pain sometimes may migrate to the abdomen making one feel like he has stomach cramps. It does not respond to the usual pain killers.

Other symptoms include swelling of the affected side of the scrotum, fever, nausea, vomiting and painful urination.
Other people have their testes located up in the scrotum or on its sides. This is a clear sign that the testes may have twisted.

Sometimes this pain goes on its own within a few minutes meaning that the spermatic cord has unwound itself.

However, this does not mean the condition is cured and the next time it reoccurs it may twist itself more than once increasing chances of losing your testes. Once this happens one’s ability to produce sperms for fertilisation will be greatly reduced.

Doctors say if medical attention is not sought, the blood supply to that testis will be cut off, leading to its ‘death’ and shrinkage. A dead testis can shrink to a size of a groundnut.

The dead organ now becomes useless and it is removed. Can you imagine having one testis?

To prevent this, seek immediate medical attention whenever you get any discomfort in your groin.

Treatment is by surgery where the twisted testes are unwound and then fixed on the internal surfaces of the scrotum preventing them from any future free movement. This treatment gives the victims an opportunity to father children.

The writer is a medical doctor

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