The alphabet of putting your house in order

Sep 19, 2008

PUTTING your house in order can be a huge task with a number of options and ideas floating around. Pick up any magazine and you will find a wide variety of themes. It is as easy as the English alphabet. Below Edmund Ssesanga of Kitchen and Office Concept explains some simple steps you can follow to

By Fred Ouma

PUTTING your house in order can be a huge task with a number of options and ideas floating around. Pick up any magazine and you will find a wide variety of themes. It is as easy as the English alphabet. Below Edmund Ssesanga of Kitchen and Office Concept explains some simple steps you can follow to see a change in your home in a short time.

A: Aim to reduce the clutter by a definite number. When getting rid of items, have a specific goal in mind. Instead of saying you want to get rid of some of the books on your over-stuffed book-shelf, say you want to get rid of 50%. “Do not say you want to get rid of a few pairs of shoes, but instead state you want to donate 10 pairs to charity. Focus on reaching your goal.

B: Bribe yourself. Promise yourself something you really love, which should be dependent on the completion of the day’s task. If you promise yourself, you will not call your best friend until you organise your medicine cabinet, you are sure to finish the task in good time. You see, no cheating here.

C: Choose a specific spot for keys. Take the time to return them to the chosen spot after each use.

D: Dump the junk mail into the trash-can the moment you get it. Deal with other mail at least once a week.

E: Establish or set up mini-goals. If you cannot face organising an entire room, break the job down into manageable tasks. When cleaning your closet, sort shirts one day, trousers the next, shoes and so on. This way you will not be put off de-cluttering because it is too big a task.

F: Fix it or ditch it. Have you ever put aside broken items to fix “one day” or “tomorrow”? Chances are these items are still broken. Immediately re-schedule a date for their fixing – for instance, one week from today is ideal – and repair them by the time the date rolls around or finally toss them. If they are not important enough to repair, they are not important enough to keep.

G: Give everyone things to do. Organisational chores should never rest on a single person’s shoulders. Ssesanga suggests holding every capable member of the household responsible for their own clutter. Penalise people for non-compliance.

H: Hang a large calendar in the kitchen. Write appointments, lessons, meetings among others on the calendar, so everyone can see what is happening this week. Each family member should have his or her own colour, so you can tell who is doing what at a single glance.

I: Invest in some fun and decorative wall hooks for each family member to hang up backpacks, bags, hats or jackets. Place them at appropriate heights for each person.

J: Just say “no” to people or activities not supporting your goals. There is just not enough time to do everything for everyone. Understand what you are trying to accomplish, where you are going and how you plan to get there. Do not over-extend yourself by doing anything else.

K: Keep a running grocery list on the refrigerator or bulletin board. Note down grocery items as you notice you need them. This way you will not have to do a list from memory before you go to the store.

L: Label the storage containers for easy usage.

M: Make lists for things you have to do, both immediately and in the future. Clearly label each list appropriately, like “to-do,” “to call,” “to e-mail” or “to buy” among others. Such lists will help you get things done.

N: Never say never. If you always feel overwhelmed by clutter and do not believe you will be able to change your buying habits or pack-rat tendencies, the chances of you becoming clutter-free are pretty slim. Always have a positive, take-charge attitude. Never allow your clutter to rule your life. You are in control.

O: Organise cupboards with varied bins. Have one bin for your spices, one bin for pastas, another bin for baking goods, teas, just to list a few.

These bins will reduce the chances of having cluttered cupboards where nothing is easily found.

P: Put each item away after each use so you will not
waste time searching for it when you really need it.

Q: Quality, not quantity. It is better to have a few items you truly love and enjoy than many items you do not really like. Always remember “qua-lity over quantity,” and you will simplify your life.

R: Recycle constantly. When the new issue of a newspaper or periodical arrives, immediately pop the last issue on the recycling bin. Do not hang on to old issues in the event that you will finally get around to reading them. You will not. Likewise, when you buy a new shirt, an old shirt must be discarded, given to a friend or donated to charity. This “one-in, one-out” rule keeps the level of stuff below the clutter point by limiting total numbers.

S: Set the timer for five, 10 or even more minutes, so you can organise uninterrupted and work on the most pressing issues first. You will be amazed how fast you get things done.

T: Take a photograph. Take pictures of possessions you do not want to forget and save the pictures in an photo album or scrapbook. Keep the memory instead of allowing the memory to take up space.

U: Use it or lose it. Cancel your subscription to any periodical you toss into the recycling bin without reading. Date your pantry items and toss them after a year of non-use. Give away clothing you have not worn in the last year. Pass on books and anything that sits unused for months.

V: Visualise. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Think about how wonderful your life is going to be when your environment is organised and clutter-free. Do not think about the effort that it will take to achieve your vision. Just focus on the dream.

W: Write things down. Do not try to remember everything. Just jot down anything when you think of it and refer to your list or notes when needed.

X: X or cross out chores you have completed off your to-do lists. It fosters a sense of accomplishment and eagerness to complete the rest.

Y: Yield not to temptation. In order to have an organised home and a simpler life, you must stop the clutter influx. Stick to buying the things on your grocery list and avoid stocking up on the “great deals.” What is the point of buying 100 containers of palmolive dish wipes if you have no place to store them?

Z: Ziploc baggies. Do not underestimate the great organising power of little ziploc baggies. Sort your junk drawer, throw all items like matches, thumb-tacks, small nails, et cetera into bags and line them up in the drawer. When you need something, just grab the needed bag and go.

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