Respect your car

Sep 19, 2008

<b>Timothy Bukumunhe</b><br><br>ETTIQUETTE FOR MEN<br><br>There are people who are into having their cars styled up the malidadi way. But trust me malidadi is not on. There are cars with malidadi lighting; every time the driver brakes, the rear of the car, right from the exhaust pipe to the rear

Timothy Bukumunhe


There are people who are into having their cars styled up the malidadi way. But trust me malidadi is not on. There are cars with malidadi lighting; every time the driver brakes, the rear of the car, right from the exhaust pipe to the rear window and boot, explodes into a kaleidoscope of lights like on a Christmas tree!

Others have lights that glitter all over the dashboard. To make things worse, dangling off the rear view mirror will be a CD or a rosary or the remains of what used to tie up curtains. Some even take it a step further. They string around the car aerials Christmas tree decorations! Get a life! How do you get the time to give your car such an eye-soar intimate makeover?

I know a person who drives a sleek silver Mercedes Benz S-class. That man ought to be arrested for car defilement! Somewhere on the back bumper, is a CBS radio sticker, which was obviously slapped there without thought. How could he do that to a Mercedes Benz?

Car stickers are not supposed to be on cars like a Mercedes, the new Range Rovers or a Porsche Cayenne for example. The only sticker that should be on them is from the dealership say Spear Motors. Car stickers are for clapped out pick-ups, an FX or and a Corsa for example. But regardless, when the sticker is put on, place it with plan. Make sure it is straight and centred.

Then there is also this unhealthy obsession with white knitted headrest covers! They do not look neat at all. They make the car and driver look like a Special Hire! The rule here is quite simple. If your car headrests are dirty, then next time you go to the carwash, have them scrubbed down.

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