Chameleone falls from Arusha hotel

Oct 05, 2008

LOCAL music star Jose Chameleone was on Saturday night admitted to Nsambya Hospital with broken legs. The fell through the window of his room on the third floor of Impala Hotel, a five-star hotel in Arusha, Tanzania.

By Pidson Kareire
and Sebidde Kiryowa

LOCAL music star Jose Chameleone was on Saturday night admitted to Nsambya Hospital with broken legs. The singer sustained the injuries early that morning when he fell through the window of his room on the third floor of Impala Hotel, a five-star hotel in Arusha. He was in Tanzania for weekend concerts in Arusha and Tanga.

Chameleone could not explain how the accident occurred. The singer recalls that he entered his hotel room after his music show, changed clothes and slept. But he was shocked to find himself an hour later on the first floor, where the restaurant is located, surrounded by people who were screaming ‘muyizi’ (thief).

“When I tried to move, I could not get up,” Chameleone told The New Vision yesterday. “I was in great pain. I think both of my legs were broken. I identified myself as Jose Chameleone. That is when some onlookers rushed to call my tour promoters.”

His promoters took him to Arusha Hospital, where he contacted his wife to charter an Eagle Air plane at $9,000 (about sh15m) to evacuate him. He was airlifted from Kilimanjaro Airport to Entebbe Airport in the evening.

Dr. Kenneth Obwot, who was on the team that evacuated the singer, attributed Chameleone’s accident to sleepwalking.

He said Chameleone could have gotten up in his dreams and walked through the glass windows. The singer was alone in the room and the door remained closed.

Obwot noted that the accident could have been fatal. The fact that the singer does a lot of exercise could have saved his life, he added.

Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder, characterised by walking or other activity while seemingly asleep.

Experts say the condition is mainly caused by anxiety in adults, mental disorders, drug reactions, abuse of substances such as alcohol, or due to medical conditions.

Sleep walkers may arise and walk around in their sleep. Some execute complex activities like moving furniture, go to the bathroom, dressing and undressing and driving a car. The episode can last from a few seconds to 30 minutes and leave the sufferers confused and disoriented.

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