Find time to interact with your children

Jan 07, 2007

PARENTING<br><br>Parents, as the first teachers of their children, now have a full-time job for another month. Many parents have quality time with their children while others cannot, but however busy you may be, remember to find time for your children.



Parents, as the first teachers of their children, now have a full-time job for another month. Many parents have quality time with their children while others cannot, but however busy you may be, remember to find time for your children.

Feel free to talk to them about anything, especially the challenges of growing up. Here are a few tips which might be useful:

- Teach your children to work and appreciate their achievements. Talk to them about the changes they undergo as they grow and

How to cope with them.
- Adolescents feel they need a lot of freedom. Yes, give them limited freedom and explain why.

- Help children to select good activities to participate in. Youth programmes, films, plays and religious activities are good.

- Teach girls to dress decently. Some girls wear adult fashions such that people out there do not see them as children. They may end up being told things not fit for their age.

- Home values and school values should not be different. For example, schools do not allow students to drink or smoke. If parents allow children to do the reverse at home, there will be conflict.

- Protect children from sexual abusers, kidnappers and those who can teach them bad habits.

The writer is a teacher at Kings College Budo

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