General hygiene will help rid you of lice

Jan 19, 2007

THERE are three major species of lice. There is the body louse (pediculus humanus corporis), head louse (pediculus humanus capitis) and the crab louse (phthirus pubis).

THERE are three major species of lice. There is the body louse (pediculus humanus corporis), head louse (pediculus humanus capitis) and the crab louse (phthirus pubis).

Lice grow into adults on human body (especially on body hairs) or in the immediate vicinity of man (on clothing and beddings).

A louse bite causes irritation and the scratching of the bites may result into furunculosis or eczema. The body louse can transmit diseases like typhus.

Control measure:
One needs to thoroughly dust garments, beddings and other infested articles with Baygon DP. It pays to repeat the treatment after an interval of 14 days. One can also apply residual sprays only to those places and areas where lice are congregate, crawl and hide or through which they may enter.
After spraying, do not remove spray deposit otherwise the residual action of the insecticide will be considerably shortened or even destroyed. Otherwise cleanliness and general hygiene will help anybody avoid these body parasites.

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