Achia harassed over trespass

Mar 03, 2007

It was a rude awakening for Remegio<br>Achia, the MP for Pian County<br>Nakapiriprit, when pressed for time<br>last Wednesday evening

It was a rude awakening for Remegio
Achia, the MP for Pian County
Nakapiriprit, when pressed for time
last Wednesday evening. He hastily
and conveniently made his way into
the Teacher’s Grill Restaurant at
College Inn Hotel, Wandegeya through
their rear gate. On the gate is written
the phrase ‘No Way Through’. The towering MP was seen by a
waitress, who promptly summoned a
mean-looking guard to melee the trespasser.

After about 15 minutes of pleading for
his dignity not to be violated, the guard
relented and let him off with a warning.
But it was not until his departure that
everyone knew his identity.

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