Bravo, northern Uganda!

May 17, 2007

SIR — I have just returned from a visit to several districts of central and northern Uganda, affected by the LRA insurgency.

SIR — I have just returned from a visit to several districts of central and northern Uganda, affected by the LRA insurgency.

I am a member of the National Certification Committee that has been set by the Ministry of Health to prepare the country for the certification of eradication of the Guinea Worm. Indeed it is now three years that Uganda has not reported any indigenous case of Guinea Worm.

The country in 1992 notified 126,369 cases: of these 95% in Acholi and Karamoja regions! Despite the threat of imported cases from Sudan and the civil unrest in these regions, today Uganda is not having any indigenous case, as the 2,677 endemic villages registered in 1992 are now free of the parasite.

The dedication of health workers and the involvement of thousands of village volunteers of northern Uganda are the main factors behind this success.

During the mission we happened to visit Health Centre III in Kitgum Matidi, Kitgum district.

Though the visit was not announced the five members of staff were in the unit and could interact with the NCC team. During the discussion, I took a look at the achievements of the unit in terms of coverage of services.

The health centre has already achieved the full coverage of infant immunisation against the killer diseases.

Moreover 58% of the women expected to be pregnant in the catchment area, have delivered in the unit (the national average is 40%).

Together with the health workers employed in the unit there was a Traditional Birth Attendant who was accompanying a mother for delivery at the unit. These are two examples of how dedicated health workers can make the difference in achieving desired health targets.

Moreover the collaboration with the communities is the foundation of any durable and consistent health success.

Congratulations! Filippo Ciantia AVSI Representative in Uganda Kampala

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