Mr Ras was guided by the Holy Spirit!

May 20, 2007

SIR — I thank your cartoonist Mr. Ras for prophesying the future of our nation in his cartoon on Friday. Mr. Ras, that cartoon was not revealed to you by the strength of man but by the Holy Spirit. That prophesy after Benny Hinn’s visit will sure come to pass.

SIR — I thank your cartoonist Mr. Ras for prophesying the future of our nation in his cartoon on Friday. Mr. Ras, that cartoon was not revealed to you by the strength of man but by the Holy Spirit. That prophesy after Benny Hinn’s visit will sure come to pass.

We are going to experience a time when corrupt officials will either confess or be thrown in jail for their sins.

About 10 years from now, God will deliver Uganda. Mr. Ras, thank you for the good work, keep it up.

Robert Semukaaya
makerere University

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