You can have a successful academic term

Jun 10, 2007

IT is coming to a month since schools opened for second term. Beginning of term exams should be over in most schools. For the candidate classes, you will be expected to sit for your mock exams to assess your strong and weak areas.

By Agnes Kyotalengerire

IT is coming to a month since schools opened for second term. Beginning of term exams should be over in most schools. For the candidate classes, you will be expected to sit for your mock exams to assess your strong and weak areas.

With the above in mind, you must know that you are in an academic battle which you must fight from the beginning so as to triumph.

Tips on how to triumph

Always avoid the temptation of passing via your friends and relatives’ homes on your way to school.

Limit your conversations to topics that will improve your performance.

Settle down because time lost is never regained.

Utilise your morning prep.

Get friends who are serious with academics because they will help you in discussions and encourage you to study.

Use the school timetable as a guide. Also design your personal study timetable which should include all subjects.

Have a sense of direction. Avoid friends who want to be accompanied to the toilets and school canteens all the time. Learn to say no to such friends.

Consult your teachers where you have not understood. Teachers like students who show interest in their studies.

Do not miss lessons. Make it a point to do all exercises, homework and tests because they help you to identify areas for improvement.

Believe in yourself. This will help you perform better.

Avoid taking drugs and alcohol because they are the number one cause of poor performance.

The writer is a teacher at Lakeside College, Luzira

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