Could my man be impotent?

Jun 16, 2007

Dear Doctor,<br>I have been with my boyfriend for four years. At first, he could not ejaculate and he said it was due to the condom. When we stopped using condoms, he said he feared making me pregnant. We want to commit ourselves, but now he no longer gets an erection. When I ask him to seek medica

Dear Doctor,
I have been with my boyfriend for four years. At first, he could not ejaculate and he said it was due to the condom. When we stopped using condoms, he said he feared making me pregnant. We want to commit ourselves, but now he no longer gets an erection. When I ask him to seek medical advice he gets angry. Help!

Dear Jackie,
It is clear that there is a problem. It may not only be sex. The act of sex starts in the mind. When there is a problem with the relationship it may be reflected in your sex relationship. Impotence is a symptom that can be treated. It is important for both of you to talk about this issue. Discuss what is bothering you and listen to his point of view. It may go a long way in solving the sex problem.

It may also be necessary for both of you to talk to a counsellor. Start by communicating with each other and get counselling together, if possible.

Dr. Paul Semugoma
Write to Ask The Doctor, Box 9815, Kampala OR

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