Mayor blundered to spend sh300m

Jul 12, 2007

EDITOR—The revelation that Kampala mayor Nasser Sebaggala spent sh300m on posters, which was a little less than what was spent on the garbage bins donated to the city was both comical and annoying.

EDITOR—The revelation that Kampala mayor Nasser Sebaggala spent sh300m on posters, which was a little less than what was spent on the garbage bins donated to the city was both comical and annoying.

I hope this sends a clear message to the voters who should think twice before voting him back next time. It is wrong to elect an individual who had been convicted for engaging in corrupt practices anywhere in the world. When Sebaggala was convicted and imprisoned in the US, his supporters argued that the money did not belong to Ugandans!

True it did not but it hurt those who were affected. Think of the traders in Nakasero market. Will the nicely done posters help resolve their troubles? What purpose did they really serve. If he had the money why did KCC need a donation? Vote wisely!

Juliet Nakato

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