How to prepare for mocks

Jul 22, 2007

MOCK exams are meant to assess how prepared you are for the national examinations. Here are some tips to guide you as you prepare for mock examinations:

By Agnes Kyotalengerire

MOCK exams are meant to assess how prepared you are for the national examinations. Here are some tips to guide you as you prepare for mock examinations:

Review your notes. As you read, design a reading timetable and it is advisable to begin with subjects that are to be examined last, since you may not get enough time once exams have commenced.

Form discussion groups. Discussing with your colleagues will help you to understand better.

While you read, make summaries of the important points to help you narrow down the content. This will help you remember the points easily. However, you should guard against the temptation of sneaking the summary chits into the exam room.

Ensure that you go through mock past papers. This will expose you to the setting techniques.

Compare notes with students from other schools so that you can get what your teacher might have missed.

Remember to get enough rest. Do not read throughout. Not getting enough sleep might affect your concentration during the day.

Remember to eat all your meals. You cannot study and perform well on an empty stomach.

Do not engage in love relationships because they will distract you from your academics.

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