A feminist should head the gender ministry

Aug 13, 2007

EDITOR—A feminist should head the gender and social development ministry. It is not enough to appoint just any woman to this ministry, especially, if she does not care about the plight of the downtrodden women.

EDITOR—A feminist should head the gender and social development ministry. It is not enough to appoint just any woman to this ministry, especially, if she does not care about the plight of the downtrodden women.

Violence against women in Uganda is justified because of the archaic colonial English laws handed down to Uganda by the British colonial administration.

It is a bit embarrassing for any woman leader to feign ignorance of a document that would be necessary in the emancipation of women from male-domination.

Are some of the women leaders in parliament to reinforce patriarchy? I appeal to women MPs to remember that they are there to represent women first, regardless of whether they were elected by both men and women.

Women leaders ought to remember that they represent the constituency of women. Men are already privileged by their masculinity, but we can work with them as allies in dismantling inequality.

I, therefore, congratulate Ms Rebecca Kadaga, who is a voice for the socially downtrodden women – the widows, the landless, the less educated, and all those who suffer violence, without justice due to unfair laws.

Jenn Jagire
Ontario, Canada

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