CHOGM billboards are fine

Aug 18, 2007

CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting) billboards have come under attack recently and a lot has been said. The criticism stems from the use of personalities like Dorcus Inzikuru, an athlete, Ragga Dee a local artiste, Gaetano Kaggwa who received a hero’s welcome when he returned from th

CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting) billboards have come under attack recently and a lot has been said. The criticism stems from the use of personalities like Dorcus Inzikuru, an athlete, Ragga Dee a local artiste, Gaetano Kaggwa who received a hero’s welcome when he returned from the Big Brother House, among others!

We need to realise that CHOGM is not only about heads of Government. There is need to see the relationship between CHOGM and all citizens in all the Commonwealth countries, of which Uganda is a member.

CHOGM comprises other meetings like the Business Forum, Youth Forum, People’s forum that will involve ordinary Ugandans. There is no need for criticism over something which is Ugandan.

instead, we as a nation, should carry the same message of CHOGM readiness that the personalities on the billboards have conveyed so far. More people have been informed about CHOGM because the billboards have been read, debated, criticised or praised.

Ivan Baliboola Nnume

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