Why the fuss about Gae?

Aug 29, 2007

EDITOR—I am surprised about the people still making a big issue of what Gaetano Kaggwa did in the Big Brother House. I do not argue that it was fine but he was just unfortunate his act was before the cameras. I am very sure that any other man in similar circumstances would have done what he did.

EDITOR—I am surprised about the people still making a big issue of what Gaetano Kaggwa did in the Big Brother House. I do not argue that it was fine but he was just unfortunate his act was before the cameras. I am very sure that any other man in similar circumstances would have done what he did.

So people should stop making noise because if there were cameras in all hotels and lodges in town, it would be surprising to discover how many old men go around with girls young enough to be their daughters.
At least Gaetano did it with a consenting adult!
S. m. julius Kampala

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