Your Monkey King questions

Dec 28, 2007

1. What was Buddha’s test?<br><br>2. How would Buddha reward Monkey if he passed the test?<br><br>3. Where did Monkey’s somersault land him?

1. What was Buddha’s test?

2. How would Buddha reward Monkey if he passed the test?

3. Where did Monkey’s somersault land him?

4. What did Monkey do to prove he had jumped as far as he said he would?

5. Where did Monkey land?

6. How did Buddha punish Monkey?

7. What does Buddha’s test tell you about Buddha?

8. How could Monkey use his power wisely? What should he do?

9. Make a prediction: Will Monkey change? Explain your prediction.
boundless flat plain, (adjective, noun) means endless area of level, treeless land

New words

crouched down, (verb) means got low to the ground by bending knees

landmarks, (noun) means an object or building that people use to identify a specific place

punishment, (noun) means action someone takes against you because you did something wrong

thoughtfully, (adverb) means in a serious, careful manner

triumph, (noun) means a spectacular win

Monkey wailed, (verb) means cried out in an unhappy, noisy way

witnesses, (noun) means people who watch something happen

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