Do-it-yourself help equipment: Slasher

Mar 31, 2006

THE most commonly used tool in families is the slasher. For people who cannot afford lawn mowers or for those with small compounds where the mowers will be difficult to use, slashers are the alternative.

AVAILABLE: In most hardware shops

THE most commonly used tool in families is the slasher. For people who cannot afford lawn mowers or for those with small compounds where the mowers will be difficult to use, slashers are the alternative.

Slashers are used for cutting grass in compounds. A hand grass slasher was developed for use in a standing posture, thus minimising discomfort.

Since both sides of blades are sharpened, it gives both strokes as positive, resulting in larger field coverage in minimal time. A slasher goes for not less than sh4,000 in a number of outlets around the country.

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