I want to gain weight

Jun 06, 2006

Dear Doctor,<br>I am 29 years old. I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy but five months after delivery I lost most of it because I had problems in the relationship. I would love to gain back that weight. What can I do?

Dear Doctor,
I am 29 years old. I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy but five months after delivery I lost most of it because I had problems in the relationship. I would love to gain back that weight. What can I do?

Dear Monica,
If you gained weight during pregnancy, most likely you can gain that weight back. You have to eat more food energy than you spend and the excess is turned to fat.
From the medical point of view, a lot of weight is not good for your health. A person’s ideal weight is got using the Body Mass Index formula. You get your height in metres, square it and multiply the result by 18 to get the lower figure and 25 to get the higher figure. Your weight should be between those two.
Excess weight is associated with many medical problems including diabetes, joint problems, breathing problems, stroke, high blood pressure and heart attacks. It is best to maintain a constant and low body weight with exercise.

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